Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I am in an ornery mood, so if you are easily offended then please move on. Also, if my faith irritates you then, please, move on.
I am so sick and tired of this world! And, I'm tired of the people who think I should care what goes on here. I do NOT read or watch the news. What little I know comes from friends and family talking about it or tidbits from Facebook. If that makes me ignorant then so be it. I see absolutely no reason to have to hear about one more person killing somebody or one more child being sexually abused. This world makes me sick to my stomach! If I want to be able to sleep at night and take my children out in public without making them wear sheets over their heads then I can not waste my time absorbing this sick and twisted world.
Thank God for MY faith! Thank God that this is not it; this is NOT where my life ends. There IS something to look forward to; something to press towards. People think I'm pathetic for believing in a "story". Really? I'm pathetic for having faith in my God, whose miracles and signs and wonders have been very evident in my life since I was a young girl? But, you're not pathetic for not wanting more than this?? You're not pathetic for just accepting this filth as the best you'll ever get? Are you kidding me???
I am not a bible scholar. I can't sit here and quote scriptures that will somehow change your mind and make you believe. What I know, I know from experience. I know that it was God that raised my friend from the dead. I know that it was God that healed my smashed nose right in front of my eyes. I know that it's God that gives me the strength to get through the difficult times.
I'm not stepping on egg shells anymore. Nobody else does. I'm tired of taking a back seat to trash. It's not funny to see men disrespecting women or to see women wearing next to nothing out in public. It's not okay when parents swear at their kids or humiliate them in public. I'm done.
This world is NOT my home. I'm just passing through on my way to heaven!