Let's face it, most of us try really hard to be good moms, but there are days or in some cases (mine) weeks where we just can't seem to pull it off. I figured I'd share a few of my fails to make any other moms reading this feel a little bit better about theirs :)....and because unless it's documented people probably wouldn't believe me. So, here goes...
1.) You might be cleaning too much and not paying enough attention to your kids if this happens:
Eva decided to go for a swim...fully clothed. |
Ryan overflowed the tub and tried using blankets to clean up. |
2.) You might be trying to take the easy (lazy) way out if you buy your child a potty training watch...why, yes it is shaped like a little toilet.
Notice the missing pants. We were hoping one less article of clothing to remove would help along the potty training process.....nope. |
3.) You might be a little frazzled and just want your kid to smile instead of constantly whining if you let this happen:
Yep, Ryan removed his shoes while we were at the playground. He swore it felt so much better and he could go faster down the slide...whoohoo!!
4.) You might be trying to encourage self expression....and failing!...if your kids walk around like this (I promise it was indoors only! Please don't call CPS).:
Eva's thugging it in her awesome Dora hat and her princess skirt...I may need to invest in more colors than just red. |
After this catastrophe happened I felt it was my duty to explain that we don't mix and match our favorite pieces of clothing from different categories (i.e. church socks, pajama bottoms and a play shirt). It was a good attempt though and all his privates are covered, so I'm giving him a B+. |
So, there you have it. I am not perfect...and neither is my house...not even close! Things happen and I am one of those crazy mothers who photograph first and
yell explain gently second. I often times lie awake in bed at night long after everyone else is snoring (Brad) and try and come up with ways to be better, have less chaotic days, show my kids how much they mean to me, get my kids to eat healthier, get myself to eat healthier, etc. I mean I look around at other moms with amazing bodies, perfect well behaved kids and spotless homes, who spend their days with their jogging strollers and reading a thousand books to their well advanced children and I wonder what I did wrong. But, in those final moments right before my eyelids finally flutter shut and don't open back up I remember Eva's kiss and "I love you too" and Mason's "Wow, Mom, you're beautiful!" and Ryan saying "I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and go to the playground." and I am reminded that my kids are happy and that's all I really want.