Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just nice.

  When I was a little girl my father said something to me that has stuck with me ever since and as I have gotten older I have noticed it to be quite true. My dad pointed out that people can never seem to give a compliment or honor someone without also mentioning something negative. Ever since that day I have looked and listened for people to just say something positive and it very rarely happens. It's always "Even though my husband annoys me I love him" or "My kids drive me up the wall, but they are so cute" or " I just want to honor my parents even if even though we didn't always get along". I have been guilty of doing this myself and it really bothers me.
  Bottom line we are all human, we all screw up...a lot. We have all hurt someone, annoyed someone, messed up, etc. But, how many of us want that thrown in our face? Why can't we escape it even during a "compliment"? What drives us to point out everyone else's flaws, masking it with a smile on our face and a nice word or two? What's the problem with pointing out the positive and just swallowing down the rest? We might actually start to really like people if we weren't so concentrated on what's "wrong" with them.
  I for one am going to make a conscious effort to give real compliments, to make people smile and not wonder if I really do like them or not and I'll start right here. My husband is my best friend and the love of my life. Every day that I wake up I feel really lucky to have him. Just this morning I was laying in bed wondering how the heck I got him. He's patient with me and he makes me smile a lot. He's worth everything to me and I would do anything for him just to see him smile. I love making him happy and making him laugh. I will always support him no matter what we come up against and I will always have his back. I will always be the girl that loves him the most. We are a team and we will be on the same team for forever.
  It's not hard to speak positively, especially when it's about those that you love. Try it.

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