Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The End Of Sorts...

  As many of you probably know, or have assumed from reading my previous blogs, my marriage hit a rough patch. If I were to be completely honest with myself and with all of you I'd have to say that trouble in paradise had been brewing for a while, but everything came to a head about a month ago. I would really rather not go into detail. Some wounds just need to stay closed, so that the healing process can be completed. The wounds I have are some of those. I prefer them not to keep being re-opened by having to keep re-telling "the story". I have already gone over every minute detail, rehashed every moment leading up to one of the worst moments in my history, and cried myself dry. While all of that was a part of my healing process I am done now. I am finally ready to move forward without looking back.
  This next part is for all of the important people in my life. Whether you know all of the details or not I really appreciate your support. Many of you have been there for me in my darkest moments and you will never know how much that has meant to me. Just know that I would not have pulled through this without you.
  There is, however, one thing that I need to make very clear. If you are truly in support of me then you are in support of everything that I want and I do want my marriage and my husband. He still is and always will be the man of my dreams. I realize that everyone has their own opinions. Many of you may not be able to understand that, but it is MY choice and not yours, so I ask that you, at the very least, respect that.
  You don't need to feel obligated to choose sides. There is no Team Brad or Team Rachel, there is only a Team Us and I wouldn't have it any other way.
  This ends the blogs about this particular area in my life, so you can all breathe a sigh of relief now. I am on to much more boring and funnier/lighthearted topics. Thank you for bearing with me and reading along in my not so happy or uplifting recounts of a life I am truly thankful to be living.


  1. Love you sweetness!

  2. You're right, if your family and friends love you then they want to see you happy. And that means supporting you in your decisions. Choosing to continue loving your husband means they support your decision because they love you.

    I had to come to that realization a few years ago with my mom. Because I absolutely love her no matter what… that means I accept the fact that she is free to choose whomever she wants as her boyfriend. Even though I can't stand him, I love her and want her to be happy. And if that means tolerating him so my mom and I can continue with a happy relationship, so be it.

    I sincerely can say, I love you, my dear friend. And I support you.
