Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New year, new hopes.

When people ask me what my New Years resolution is I jokingly tell them that it's to not let 2012 suck as bad as 2011 did or I tell them that it's to become anorexic as soon as I'm done nursing...lol! Don't worry I wouldn't really starve myself, but I might try an all coffee diet. I hear it works great...kidding!
Anyways, back to last year really sucking. As bad as that year was for me I would rather learn from it than to completely forget about it. Plus, Eva was born, so it wasn't all bad. A lot of it was actually pretty good.
What can I take from 2011 to use for 2012? Well, for starters I could become more compassionate. You really have no clue what somebody else is going through. You couldn't possibly know what heartache hides behind their smile or their cocky attitude. A caring and thoughtful word or a quick hug will probably mean more than you will ever realize.
I would like to love more. You have to be a very brave person to love whole heartedly. You never know when your love might be rejected or taken advantage of. It's a risk we all take when we say "I love you" and really mean it. It's a risk I will always take. You're either gonna have all of me or none of me. I don't do anything half way. I would like to get rid of any cynicism, self doubt or self pity and just love people genuinely and completely.
I want to stop taking everything for granted. My family, my finances, a roof over my head, life...all of it could be gone in a split second. I never want to look back and wish that I had said " I love you" more, smiled more, hugged my babies more, said "Thank you" more, lived better. At the end of the day when I'm lying in bed and my eyelids are closing all on their own I want to know that I did my absolute best and loved the absolute most that I could. I never want to forget to thank God for every single thing that He has given me.
My hope for this year is simple. I want me and my kids and even my husband to be at peace. Whatever this year brings I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is in control and that I don't have to worry about a thing. I would like to pass that knowledge down to my sweet babies, so that they know that they can live without fear of the unknown and be truly happy.


  1. I was just thinking the other day that it looked like you had at least lost all the baby weight. Keep up the good work!

  2. You're always compassionate with me. You are about the only person that knows how bratty I am and still feels bad when im upset. But im totally for your goals!
