Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Which way is right?

It's been quite a while since I've blogged. I guess a big part of why I have not taken the time to sit down and update the few people that care to follow me is because I'm afraid of confusing them or coming off as bipolar. If you haven't noticed, my blog is pretty raw and about as real as it gets. I am a passionate human being. I can be passionately happy or passionately angry and I see no point in keeping things a secret or making myself or the life that I live seem like something it is not. I hate lies, I hate games and I hate fakes. I tend to blog at the height of whatever emotion I am feeling. I don't take the time to let things settle or to think things through, because of this I tend to end up going a different direction than I originally intended when I first write my blogs. If you are feeling confused or wondering if you should help me into a straight jacket this is why.
I probably get way too personal and share things that most would not want shared if it were them going through what I am. Probably the biggest thing I am going through right now is confusion. There are so many unanswered questions and so many things that I will never be able to understand or relate to. Honestly I'm glad that I don't get it, because if I ever do begin to understand how people could do this to each other then I will have reached a very dangerous point in my life.
I have to be very careful with every decision that I make, especially the ones concerning such a sensitive situation. I am a mother. I have three of the most beautiful children you will ever lay eyes on. My children mean more to me than I could ever begin to express. You parents reading this know what I mean. In fact as I type this I am holding my sleeping daughter in my arms and thinking that there is nothing on earth that I wouldn't do for her. I would literally die for her. Because of my three precious gifts I do not get to make any hasty decisions. Everything MUST be thoroughly thought through to ensure that I am doing what is best for them. They are the future. My actions today will dictate their actions tomorrow. In order to be the best mother that I can be I have to be aware of that every second of every day.
What is best today may not be what is best tomorrow or next week or a year from now. Today I am staying with my parents and giving my children a happy home and stability. Today the plan is to stay here until my husband has left for basic training and then to move back home. In the meantime my husband and I are trying to work through things. We are trying to see if we can make our marriage a forever thing, like we both originally intended. I really hope we can.
All I know for sure is that I'm gonna miss that boy so much when he is gone and that I will be praying for his safety every day and looking forward to every text message and phone call. I hope he misses me too and chooses to come back home to me and our children. I don't know what the future holds, but I can guarantee you that we are all gonna find out.


  1. My heart and prayers go out to you..You are stronger then I could ever be..God has Blessed you in so many ways

  2. Seeing as how I am not lucky enough to have my own child at this time your babies are the closest thing I have. I love them all so much and I love that they all have completely different tempermants and personalities. I love that I am being blessed enough to watch them grow up and become incredible people. You are doing the right thing because you do what you feel is right in the moment and that is how we are supposed to live. I know the coming months will be difficult and changes are coming but just know that as I am praying for you and Ryan, Mason, and Eva I am also praying for Brad. I believe in miracles and I believe that this miracle is happening. There is nothing that we can't change by prayer. Things happen when we pray that would otherwise not happen.
