Thursday, November 22, 2012

Unsung hero.

"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."
- Sigmund Freud

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."
-Billy Graham

It is no secret that most of the time mothers get way more credit than fathers do. Go down any card aisle and you will find a million Mother's Day cards, but not even half as many Father's Day cards. Look at your Facebook newsfeed on Mother's Day and compare it to the newsfeed you see on Father's Day. This is because mothers usually spend much more of their day with the children than fathers do and generally play a much bigger role in the lives of their offspring.
You also always hear of deadbeat fathers or fathers who were really never in the picture at all, other than that one crucial night, but you rarely ever hear a positive story about the men who had a hand in raising us. Fathers are almost villainized in this society.
But, I believe that fatherhood is just as important as motherhood. I, for one, have an amazing father. I have never known a better man. He has been right by my side through every thing that I have gone through. The good and the bad, he's always there. And, I know many other men who have stepped up to the plate and taken their role of daddy seriously. Men, who don't get to spend as much time with their kids as they would like, because they are out working and providing for their families, so that mothers, like myself, can stay home. Men, like my husband. Brad has not seen our children in almost two months and before that it had been four months. He has missed birthdays, holidays and milestones. But, it is because of his sacrifice and his determination to do right by our family that I have been able to stay home with our children. That is not a deadbeat father, that is the ultimate daddy, a hero.
I have seen the differences in children who have had a positive male role model in their lives and those who have not. When you have an awesome father you stand taller, you're not afraid, you are secure, you have confidence, you are kinder and you smile more.
I am truly grateful for every man out there that has taken a stand to be the best father that he can be, a father that works hard and plays harder, a father that lightens the mood and brightens the room as soon as he enters it, a father who is the biggest and strongest daddy in the world, who can defeat any monster under the bed or chase away any bad dream. You are amazing and you are cherished. Your children and the mother of your children are better for having you in their lives. Thank you.

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