Monday, September 12, 2011

Kids say the darndest things:-/....I wish I could too;-)

So, Ryan, my dear, sweet DEVIL child has been known to make me laugh out loud on occasion...okay, more like multiple times a day. He also has the uncanny ability to have me doubled over laughing one minute and running out of breath screaming the next. Thanks to this little hellion....I mean boy...most days I feel bipolar at best. He definitely knows how to bring out the best and worst in me. I wish he would work a little harder at bringing out the best, so I could win Mommy Of The Year award and not just an honorable mention:-/
Just for the record all of those parents that told me I wouldn't be laughing when it was my son saying the embarrassing stuff lied! I do laugh. Hard. Sometimes I can't even hide it and I get dirty looks from people, who are clearly waiting to see how I will discipline my child. Here are some Ryan Quotes of the Day that, at the very least, have made me smile:

"Mom, why does Henry have his shirt off? Is he trying to show off his belly?"
This was said very loudly about our next door neighbor, who happened to be washing his car.

After I yelled at him for five minutes about him pooping his pants and asking him if he understood his reply was "Um, mom, I don't know what to say." lol. Classic male move - playing dumb.

After repeatedly getting up off the couch and not following the "time out" rules I yanked him by the arm, slammed his fanny back onto the couch and folded his hands for him. Ryan looks up at me and sweetly says "Excuse me, mom, thank you for showing me how to sit on the couch."

The other day at McDonalds Playplace I had to tell him to speak nicer to the other little boy there, even though I knew the other little kid was being a bully and his parents were too busy on their phones to do anything about it. So, when I heard Ryan say "Please stop kicking me or I'll punch you in the face" I had to hand it to him for saying "Please" and I pretended not to notice when the other parents finally looked up from their phones to see if I was gonna yell at my son for the threat he, of course I wasn't. He did say it politely after all;-)

And, then how about today when he told a broken toy that he was trying to play with that it being broken was "seriously stressing me out". Lol!! Gotta love when they repeat everything they hear...and he hears that a lot.

No matter how crazy Ryan is or how many times he poops his pants, we will always share a special bond, because he'll always know what I'm thinking...and say it out loud for me:-)


  1. Omg I love this kid and his amazing ability to make me laugh and cringe all at the same time!
